Open Water Swimming Goggles
OnCourse Goggles get results. Our goggles are the only open water swimming goggles that tell you where you’re going and keep you on course. The built in navigation system analyze the direction that you are swimming to help you reduce sighting and swim straight in open water. The goggles are USAT, IRONMAN, WTC and LIFE TIME approved for all triathlon sanctioned events. The patented point-and-click design will allow you to store an electronic compass bearing with a single button press. This simple design then provides feedback through small colored LEDs in each lens. The LEDs remain green when you are on course. As you veer off course, the left or right LEDs change to yellow or red to notify you how to correct your course. The LEDs also act as a feedback system that helps you improve your form.The swimmer does not need to know the coordinates of the target in advance. Just point, click and swim. The goggles do the rest. Read more…
No More Zig Zag
Most swimmers find it very difficult to swim straight in open water towards a buoy or other target. In open water, with the absence of swimming pool lines, swimmers tend to “zig-zag” through the open water, wasting precious energy and slowing their performance. Bad form can cause the swimmer to sight constantly and correct course in order to reach the target. Many open water swimmers suffer from anxiety because they become disoriented in the open water of a lake or ocean. In addition, many athletes avoid both the sport of open water swimming and competing in triathlons because of the swimming component, simply because they cannot swim straight in open water or master sighting. Some triathletes are disqualified because they cannot complete the swim component in the allotted time limit. OnCourse open water swimming goggles solve these problems and help you reduce sighting and swim straight in open water.
Open Water Swimmers Love OnCourse Goggles
from 30 reviews
OnCourse Goggles Get Results
Performance Gain 1500m Swim
Minutes Shaved Off 1500m Swim
Anxiety Reduction
Cost Compared to Others
- OnCourse Goggles Performance Boost 15%
- Swim Skin Performance Boost 5%
- Wet Suit Performance Boost 8%
- Aerodynamic Helmet Perfomance Boost 1%
- Aerodynamic Wheels Performance Boost 4%
Swim: 1500m at a pace of 2:00/100m - Bike: 40k at a pace of 18 mph
Open Water Swimming Goggles with an Amazing Advantage
OnCourse Goggles get results. At half the cost of a wet suit, and less than one tenth of the cost of aerodynamic bicycle wheels, OnCourse open water swimming goggles will help you swim straight in open water and can deliver up to a 15% performance improvement, even for an accomplished swimmer. We analyzed a variety of performance enhancing gear such as swim skins, wet suits, aerodynamic helmets and aerodynamic bicycling wheels. Nothing compared to the time savings that are realized during triathlons by swimming in a straight line in open water with OnCourse Goggles.