Top Questions
Where can I purchase a pair of OnCourse Goggles?
OnCourse Goggles are available direct from our online store beginning in 2019 and then in Tri-Shops, and Major Sporting Goods stores in the Summer of 2021.
One year from the date of purchase. The goggles should not be used in chlorinated water, which will void the warranty. (Pool swimmers probably won’t use our product anyway.
How do I set course for the next buoy or other target?
Simply face the next buoy and press the tactile switch on the goggles to store the next heading. It takes just a second. There is no limit to the number of times that a swimmer can set a new target.
Won’t it slow me down if I have to pause to set a secondary heading?
Perhaps by a second, however, the savings achieved can be as much as 15%, so the efficiency boost blows away any perceived loss of time associated with setting the next target.
In our first product release, the lenses will not be replaceable.
How do I become a distributor for OnCourse Goggles?
Established retailers with industry product lines can use the contact information on the Contact Page to get in touch with us to receive a document package.
90% or more of all open swimmers, but certainly not the top 10%. We didn’t invent our goggles for the top swimmers. Most swimmers compete only with themselves, not in sanctioned competitions. Most open water swimmers find it difficult to swim straight in open water towards a buoy while practicing, swimming for fitness or during competition. Many swimmers are anxious. We hope that our product will attract more swimmers to the sport who otherwise cannot overcome their fear of swimming in open water.
More Questions
What happens to the LEDs when I turn my head to breathe or look for sharks?
Our technology constantly monitors the position of the swimmers head and the LEDs remain steady and accurate when you turn your head to breathe or lift you head out of the water. We pray that you never encounter a shark, and at the present time have not tested the goggles under those conditions, nor do we think we will try that anytime soon.Why does the simulation show the goggles facing forward?
For clarity, accuracy and detail. It looks nicer too. If we showed a simulation with the goggles facing down towards the bottom of the lake, all that you would see is water and mud. There is no way to depict what the swimmer sees in relation to the buoy if we filmed under water. The goggles will behave the same regardless of tilt position.What is the warranty for a pair of OnCourse Goggles?
One year from the date of purchase. The goggles should not be used in chlorinated water, which will void the warranty. (Pool swimmers probably won’t use our product anyway).What is the expected battery life for a pair of OnCourse Goggles during use?
The rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery provides 24 hours of use in Compass Mode, and 2.5 hours of continuous use in Drift Mode. The battery recharges in 45 minutes or less using the provided automotive charger or USB port. In training mode (used in non-chlorinated pools), battery life is up to 8 hours. The software monitors the integral accelerometer and puts the circuit into sleep mode when the goggles are inactive for thee minutes.What about the silicone seals around my peepers?
We think our design is brilliant in that we have an outer, flexible, silicone shell with embedded electronics that “wrap” the swimming goggles like a silicone case on smartphone. We think it’s a great part of our invention and so important, that it is included in our filed patent application. If the goggle seals leak due to a defect in materials or workmanship, we will replace the goggles for you. OnCourse Goggles were designed to fit the most common facial geometries and the feedback from users has been great on fit and function.

Performance Gain 1500m Swim
Minutes Shaved Off 1500m Swim
Anxiety Reduction
Cost Compared to Others
- OnCourse Goggles Performance Boost 15%
- Swim Skin Performance Boost 5%
- Wet Suit Performance Boost 8%
- Aerodynamic Helmet Perfomance Boost 1%
- Aerodynamic Wheels Performance Boost 4%
Swim: 1500m at a pace of 2:00/100m - Bike: 40k at a pace of 18 mph
Open Water Swimming Goggles with an Amazing Advantage
OnCourse Goggles get results. At half the cost of a wet suit, and less than one tenth of the cost of aerodynamic bicycle wheels, OnCourse open water swimming goggles will help you swim straight in open water and can deliver up to a 15% performance improvement, even for an accomplished swimmer. We analyzed a variety of performance enhancing gear such as swim skins, wet suits, aerodynamic helmets and aerodynamic bicycling wheels. Nothing compared to the time savings that are realized during triathlons by swimming in a straight line in open water with OnCourse Goggles.